I am born... Win. I am a healthy baby... Win. I feel love from everyone... Win. My father is a filthy drunk... Loss. Then links all of that pain to "I love you"... Loss. I forgot how to truly love... Loss & Win. At least now I cant be heartbroken... Win. No loss because now im alone or at least I feel like I am. Am I alone??... Confused. I dont know why my life sucks... Loss. My father goes to prison... Win. My mother now struggles raising 5 kids on her own... Loss. My G-mamma dies... Loss. 2 months following my aunt dies... Loss. 1 month following my uncle dies... Loss. 2 days after that my puppy get flattened by a semi!! Loss Loss Loss....
But if you really knew me you'd know that my past doesn't define ME!!
This is really freaking cool, how the font gets bigger and smaller depending on the result. Genius, man.